新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,无论你是新入行的跨境新人还是经验丰富的外贸老鸟,你很可能正在面临这个令人烦恼的问题:在COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情大流行期间,商务邮件/外贸开发信应该怎么写? Socialarks系统代运营团队通过实践摸索和不断测试,将其中反馈效果最佳的2个邮件模板分享给外贸/跨境小伙伴们,希望各位不要错过“嘘寒问暖”的机会,助力各位“危” 中获“机”! 邮件中,加入能体现公司主营产品的BANNER,效果加倍!!
Dear {Name},
I am writing you because I really hope everything is fine with you,your family and your company during Coronaviuse pandemic.
Please keep us posted with the COVID-19 pandemic how it is affecting your business.
If there is anything I and my company could help with, please let me know, we will try the best to give a hand.
At a special and tough time like this, we’d like to make the business to be more effective and flexible in order to support and help you as a vendor and friend. All together we will win the war against this Coronavirus.
Stay Healthy and take care!
Hi {Name},
I have been watching closely the updates for the COVID-19 in your country.
With all that’s going on, I really hope everything is fine with you,your family and your company during this Coronaviuse pandemic.
Please drink more water, do indoor exercise,have good sleep and go out less. If you must go out, do wear a facial mask and keep social distance. Do you best to protect yourself and your family.
As one of your potential business partners, maybe it’s very good time for us to seek some new opportunities when this pandemic is making everything quite tough, I think there are some opportunities inside of the crisis.
Please share your thoughts, and it could be good timing for us to have an online video conference call.
Stay Healthy and take care!
ABOUT 笨鸟社交简介
笨鸟社交的核心价值在于帮助外贸企业提升订单的成交率。 与传统的外贸业务过程相比较,笨鸟社交从获客、营销、管理、营销自动化等多维度介入,让订单成交这件事变得可视化,变得更主动。 1. 笨鸟社交通过对买家行为的跟踪,能够清晰的知道买家是否对营销内容感兴趣、感兴趣的深度、何时兴趣最强等,帮助您发现买家价值,开展精准营销; 2. 依托大数据与人工智能技术,为您推荐与您匹配的优质买家,也提供买家搜索功能,实现快速的客户开发; 3. 借助营销自动化系统,帮您解决客户的营销问题,让系统自动运作,针对不同类型、不同行为需求的买家自动营销,筛选出优质线索,提高团队效率; 4. 同时配套智能CRM,让您轻松管理的同时,能够发现新的商机,实现便捷沟通。